Industry Calendar

Event Details

Southern Region Water Conference
Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center in College Station, Texas
July 23, 2019 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Sustainable water management will be the main focus of the conference. LSU AgCenter irrigation specialist Stacia Conger, a member of the conference planning committee, said the event will include three days of informational sessions, tours and networking opportunities. Farmers and ranchers, agricultural professionals, scientists, agency representatives, students and others are encouraged to attend the conference. The goal of the conference is to provide practical information on irrigation water management, nutrient and pest control to protect water quality, soil health and watershed management. The conference is partially funded by a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant. Other Southern universities represented on the planning committee include Mississippi State University, Prairie View A&M University, Auburn University, North Carolina State University, University of Georgia, University of Florida and University of Kentucky. Stacia Conger can be reached at 318-741-7430 or