U.S. Chief Agricultural Negotiator To Join Potato Expo

Published online: Dec 19, 2023 Articles
Viewed 487 time(s)

With one in every five U.S. potatoes destined for foreign markets, our federal trade partners are essential for the continued health of U.S. potato growers and the entire supply chain. The National Potato Council is pleased to announce that U.S. Chief Agricultural Negotiator Doug McKalip has agreed to join us at Potato Expo 2024 to talk about how the Office of the U.S. Trade Representatives is working with the National Potato Council and our industry partners to expand our reach into foreign marketplaces and how we can work together to maximize our impact with foreign consumers.

Before joining USTR, McKalip served as Senior Advisor to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on all agricultural matters relating to trade, national security, animal and plant health regulations, and a wide portfolio of domestic and international issues.

McKalip formerly served in a leadership capacity in the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Biotechnology Regulatory Services. He served as a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Agriculture from 2015 to September 2016, and also as Acting Chief of Staff.

For more information on the Potato Expo, visit https://www.nationalpotatocouncil.org/potato-expo/.