Keys to Maximizing Metam Effectiveness

Published online: Aug 17, 2021 Articles, Fungicide, Herbicide, New Products
Viewed 1043 time(s)
Source: NovaSource

Three years of study and more than 40,000 soil readings compiled by NovaSource reveal a long-held misconception that metam products spread uniformly, widely and deeply throughout the soil profile, regardless of soil conditions or application equipment. The research shows that the three most important factors for optimizing the effectiveness of Sectagon-42 or Sectagon-K54 fumigant application are:

  • Soil Preparation: Avoid dry, cloddy, frozen or compacted soil.
  • Soil Moisture: Maintain up to 80 percent soil moisture for several weeks prior to application.
  • Application Technology: Place the product exactly where you need it to work.

The above video will help you learn more about ways to enhance metam movement in the soil and maximize your return on investment in Sectagon-42 and Sectagon-K54.