Source: Syngenta
Verticillium wilt is caused by the soilborne Verticillium dahlia, and is a major cause of potato early die (PED). Fungi has been reported to remain in the soil for up to seven years without a host crop, and in fields with severe PED, yield losses have been reported as high as 50 percent. Identifying the fungus early can help ensure healthy fields and a high-yielding potato crop.
The disease causes wilt, stunted plants, necrosis, and crop loss, but early identification can help you avoid damaged crops in subsequent years. Once the fungus is in a field, it is very difficult to control, so take preventive measures. Rotating crops with alfalfa or cereals, irrigation management, and green manure treatments can help suppress disease. It’s also important to plant resistant varieties and clean seeds, along with using in-furrow fungicide.
Elatus fungicide aids in the fight against Verticillium wilt. As an in-furrow technology that contains a proven strobilurin and third-generation SDHI fungicide, Elatus provides excellent preventive activity. The disease control offered by Elatus can help improve emergence, establish a more uniform crop stand, enhance crop health, and optimize distribution of tuber size. Now with the recent MRL approval in Taiwan, you have the opportunity to export your crop to more markets.