Working closely with local growers, BioSafe Systems has developed a new pathogen and pest soil solution utilizing peroxyacetic acid (PAA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and a blend of beneficial microbes. This “Sustainable Soils Program” is a crop-neutral, flexible program that gives growers the assurance that their plants will grow quickly without succumbing to disease and nematodes. The program operates on the principle of “out with the bad, in with the good.”
The program involves using BioSafe’s powerful, non-residual, peroxyacetic acid in TerraStart (or TerraClean 5.0 for organic grows) before planting to eliminate soil pathogens and pests immediately. Soil can be treated throughout the season. Later, once the soil profile is clean and free of pathogen pressure, BioSafe’s TerraGrow and PVent biofungicide are applied. TerraGrow can be chemigated or drenched directly into already treated soil to establish a strong and beneficial population.
To learn more, visit