Coalition Sponsors Cuba-U.S. Agriculture Business Conference

Nov. 8–10 in Havana, Cuba

Published online: Sep 15, 2018 Articles, Event Calendar
Viewed 1918 time(s)

The United States Agriculture Coalition for Cuba (USACC) will host conference in Havana, Cuba, Nov. 8-10, 2018. This conference comes at a time when U.S. agriculture needs to expand into new markets, Cuba continues to depend on imports for 80 percent of its food supply, and Congress is poised in the Farm Bill to allow USDA export promotion programs to be used in Cuba. The conference allows participants a chance to meet ministers, leaders of Cuba's agriculture industry, farmers, cooperatives and decision makers in Cuba's newly formed government.

“At a time when new markets are needed for our agricultural exports, and Cuba is looking to increase agriculture trade and investment, this conference will help to inform and connect the people who can work to make those things happen,” says Paul Johnson, chair of the USACC.

“Promoting agriculture exports is a bipartisan issue, and USACC’s continued dialogue with Cuba is vital to developing trade with a nearby market where U.S. products have all the advantages,” says Devry Boughner Vorwerk, USACC co-chair and corporate vice president of Cargill, a sponsor of the conference.

Who should attend?

This conference is for producers; organizations that promote U.S. exports; potential investors in Cuba’s agriculture and food industry; companies involved in packaging and distribution, agricultural equipment sales, technology and biotechnology; agriculture NGOs – anyone interested in agriculture and the potential for improved business ties between Cuba and the U.S.

About the U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba
The USACC seeks to advance trade relations between the U.S. and Cuba by re-establishing Cuba as a market for U.S. food and agriculture exports. The USACC believes that normalizing trade relations between the U.S. and Cuba will provide the U.S. farm and business community with new market access opportunities, drive enhanced growth in both countries, and allow U.S. farmers, ranchers and food companies to efficiently address Cuban citizen’s food security needs. Under current sanctions, U.S. food and agriculture companies can legally export to Cuba, but financing and trade restrictions limit their ability to serve the market competitively. The USACC ultimately seeks to end the embargo and allow for open trade and investment.

For more information about the coalition and our members, visit