Published online: May 02, 2013 Potato Storage, Fungicide, Potato Equipment
Viewed 2297 time(s)
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The University of Idaho has recently published three potato related extension bulletins.


1) "Portable test kits for diagnosing potato disease" is available at www.cals.uidaho.edu/edcomm/pdf/BUL/BUL0883.pdf.

This bulletin highlights the use and accuracy of commercially available pathogen test kits for diagnosing disease in the field and storage. Multiple test kits for numerous diseases, such as PVY and Pythium, were used, assessed and compared to results from traditional diagnostic methods. Ease of test kit use and storage was also assessed and discussed. Overall, the test kits did a good job of accurately identifying the pathogen causing the problem, and in some cases, ruling out potential pathogens. They are relatively easy to use and can typically provide a result within three to five minutes. They are portable for use in the field, storage or office.


2) "Superficial growth on potatoes" is available at www.cals.uidaho.edu/edcomm/pdf/CIS/CIS1191.pdf.

This bulletin outlines factors that may promote superficial growth of non-pathogenic fungi and bacteria that can grow on the surface of a potato. Management practices to reduce the potential for superficial growth are also discussed.


3) "Storage Management of Blazer Russet Potatoes" is available at www.cals.uidaho.edu/edcomm/pdf/CIS/CIS1192.pdf.

This bulletin describes best storage management practices for 'Blazer Russet' released in 2005 by the USDA ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. This is an early-maturing and high-yielding variety acceptable for fresh market or early season processing. This variety has acceptable fry color when stored at 48 degrees F and has a shorter dormancy length than Russet Burbank.


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