Global Nematicide Market Growing Steadily

Published in the January 2013 Issue Published online: Jan 23, 2013
Viewed 2267 time(s)

PARSIPPANY, N.J.-With estimated sales of almost $1 billion at the grower level in 2011, the global nematicides market is expected to continue its steady increase, reaching $1.2 billion by 2016, with significant pockets of growth in the Asia-Pacific region and South America, according to the recently released "Global Nematicide Market: Market Analysis and Opportunities" report by consulting and research firm Kline & Company.

The United States, Brazil and Japan are the largest nematicide markets among countries surveyed for the report, accounting for nearly 70 percent of total nematicide sales. Vegetables constitute the largest crop group market, with $432 million or 44 percent of total 2011 sales, followed by field crops and specialty crops.

Fumigants have been the traditional means of controlling nematodes. As the dominant means in the United States, France, Japan, Italy and Spain, they account for 45 percent of total nematicides sales globally. However, the high cost of fumigants has restricted their use to high-value crops in countries where these usually toxic products can be applied safely and effectively.

To learn more about the key findings from Kline's recently published "Global Nematicide Market: Market Analysis and Opportunities," request the recording of Kline's recently held webinar by emailing Vera Sandarova at