Koch Fertilizer

Published in the June 2012 Issue Published online: Jun 10, 2012 Tyler J. Baum, Editor
Viewed 4497 time(s)


Agrotain PlusAGROTAIN PLUS: Agrotain nitrogen stabilizer is a proven urease inhibitor that can be added to urea or liquid nitrogen (UAN) to control N losses caused by ammonia volatilization (losses to the air). Agrotain Plus stabilizer contains the same active ingredient in Agrotain stabilizer to control volatility, plus an additional nitrogen-stabilizing agent that inhibits further losses from denitrification and leaching for UAN.

SUPERU fertilizer also provides this triple-action protection in a ready-to-use granular urea. Umatilla Russet trials conducted in southern Washington by USDA found that using SUPERU fertilizer pre-plant instead of an untreated urea resulted in yield increases from 10 to 12.5 tons per acre.

Nitimin NfusionNITAMIN NFUSION: For in-season applications, Nitamin Nfusion fertilizer is a source of slow-release, liquid nitrogen that can increase yield and make fertilizer treatments easier. The fertilizer is formulated for custom blending with quick-release N sources like UAN for surface banding, knifing into the soil or fertigation.

In a Russet Burbank study conducted in southern Idaho by BYU, using a single application of a Nitamin Nfusion/UAN blend at tuber initiation resulted in 28 percent more U.S. No. 1 potatoes than applying the same amount of nitrogen (a total of 90 lb N/acre) in three equal applications of UAN32, beginning at tuber initiation and repeated every 10 days.