T-L Irrigation Company Observes 50th

Published online: Sep 09, 2004
Viewed 1609 time(s)
Web Exclusive
A half century after he founded T-L Irrigation Company, President LeRoy Thom remains enthused about both agriculture and irrigation.

Reflecting back, he observes, "It's really been fun to help in the development of center-pivot irrigation. When I first started selling hand-move systems we talked about 80- 100-bushel an acre corn. Now we talk about 200- 250-bushel yields. Today there's nothing than can take the place of a center-pivot irrigation system."

The Hastings, NE, company manufacturers hydrostatically driven pivot systems. Begun during the dry "Dirty '50s," the company now has more than 250 dealers world-wide.

The thousands of center-pivot systems T-L has produced since are presently irrigating crops in 44 states and in more than 40 countries.

T-L Irrigation leads the industry in providing warranties that are two-to-three times longer than any other center-pivot manufacturer. T-L also offers aluminum and stainless steel options in addition to galvanized steel.
The company can also provide financing to buyers through T-L Credit Co. This can be more flexible in precisely fitting the buying needs of growers.