Final Tally Shows PEI At 106,000 Acres

Published online: Jul 26, 2004
Viewed 1603 time(s)
Web Exclusive

Final tabulations of Canadian potato acreage for 2004 show Prince Edward Island province with 106,000--the most of any province in Canada.

The acreage at PEI is the same as last year. Only two provinces increased acreage this year, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.

Total Canadian potato acreage shows a reduction of 4 percent or 18,300 acres.

A spokesman for the PEI potato broad says the acreage figure should bring supply more in line with demand.

In an unrelated news item, the first sightings of blight have shown up in two PEI fields in different varieties and planted by different growers. A plant diagnostican told growers to not panic but be vigilant.