Tulare, Calif. – Results are in for the World Ag Expo 2024 Top-10 New Products Competition. The winners will be showcased Feb. 13-15, 2024 during the World Ag Expo in Tulare, California.
The impressive field of new products was entered by Oct. 31 in the contest for exhibitors at the world's largest farm show. Products ranged from simple solutions to autonomous robots. The contest judges consisted of farmers, ranchers, and industry professionals.
Winners will be noted on show maps, marked with “Top-10 Winner” flags at the show, and recognized at an awards session at World Ag Expo Opening Ceremonies on Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024.
The competition is conducted annually by the International Agri-Center in conjunction with World Ag Expo, which draws more than 1,200 exhibitors and 100,000 individuals from 60 countries.
For more information on the contest and winners visit www.worldagexpo.com.
Amiga V7 By Farm-ng, Watsonville, CA
Amiga V7 by Farm-ng is an electric, configurable, 1.3 hp platform that allows farmers, developers, and researchers to haul, tow, spray, apply composts and assist in other essential roles. The platform is the erector set of farm tools where the same machine can be configured over the row, wide, narrow, with intelligence and tools that lift or rotate. The intelligence platform has an open API allowing students, developers and even elementary school students to code and configure the machine to collect data, integrate with other tools and perform repeated robotic tasks. With the GPS guidance system, it can perform precision steering and weed the same plots it seeded earlier in the year with minimal or no operator intervention.
Exhibit space: U35, U37, U39, U41, T38, T40, T42 ¦ farm-ng.com
BlueSpray By Bluewhite, Fresno, CA
BlueSpray brings autonomous precision spraying capabilities to growers in orchards and vineyards. It uses Bluewhite’s autonomous tractor sensing capabilities to provide plant-based spraying in high resolution that can integrate into any existing sprayers, adjusting spray volume and pressure in real-time based on plant size and density, reducing the amount of chemicals used and reducing spray drift without compromising on coverage. The BlueSpray data feeds into the Bluewhite data platform and is immediately available to the grower and to an agribusiness ecosystem for data insights, compliance, and business optimization.
Exhibit Space: R37, R39 ¦ bluewhite.co
Burro Grande, Plus Atlas Online Route Creation By Burro, Philadelphia, PA
As a fully autonomous robot powered by AI and outfitted with computer vision plus LiDAR, Burro Grande is the “Big Brother” to the existing Burro platform and boasts a 5,000-pound towing capacity and 1,500-pound pallet scale carry capacity. When paired with Atlas, Burro's online route creation platform, users can construct, manage, and share routes across their fleet. Whether towing, carrying, or following, Burro Grande allows your existing equipment operators to step away from the seat of a tractor/UTV, saving valuable labor.
Exhibit Space: P34, P36 ¦ burro.ai
Electric GUSS By Guss Automation, Kingsburg, CA
Electric GUSS is an autonomous electric herbicide orchard sprayer manufactured by GUSS Automation in Kingsburg, CA. Electric GUSS is the first electric autonomous herbicide orchard sprayer in the world and allows a single employee to operate and monitor a combination of up to eight GUSS machines from the safety of his or her vehicle using a laptop computer. This driverless electric herbicide sprayer uses a combination of LiDAR, GPS, cameras, and more to safely and autonomously drive through the orchard, day or night, row after row reducing emissions and saving spray material.
Exhibit Space: RD5 ¦ gussag.com
EZ Cut Seal Remover By Country Enterprises, Lucan, MN
EZ Cut Seal Remover quickly and safely removes seals from most chemical containers without getting debris in the spray or sprayer. This item holds up to 25 seals and comes with an ejection tool to dispose of the seals without ever touching the chemical. Customizable decals are available for a great promotional item. This product was made by a farmer, for the farmer. A twist is all it takes.
Exhibit Space: Corteva Agriscience Center 3827 ¦ stores.countryent.net
Model B Smart Sprayer By Verdant Robotics, Hayward, CA
The Verdant Robotics Model B Smart Sprayer is the ultimate solution to eradicate weeds in specialty crops. The Model B works in any field, whether organic or conventional, no-till or cultivated. What sets it apart is Verdant Robotics' proprietary Bullseye Technology, delivering unmatched millimeter-level targeting of weeds in both high-density and low-density crops, over an extended operational window. This remarkable Smart Sprayer operates day or night, regardless of weather conditions. With its lightweight design, it swiftly accesses the field, and its formidable power takes on even the largest weeds.
Exhibit Space: U35¦ verdantrobotics.com
Oliver Colibri By Sutton Ag Enterprises, Salinas, CA
The Oliver Colibri is the only mechanical weeder available for high density weeding applications. Utilizing automated camera technology, the Colibri identifies the exact position of the crop and precisely places sawtooth blades between the seed lines. The Colibri’s steel weeding discs are mounted on hydraulic parallelograms with an independent hydraulic system to ensure uniform and consistent cultivation performance. The Colibri can be used on row spacings as tight as 1.75 inches, making mechanical cultivation possible for the first time in high density crops such as spinach and carrots.
Exhibit Space: T31 ¦ suttonag.com
Shark Wheel SWIFT Irrigation Wheel By Shark Wheel Agriculture, Mission Viejo, CA
The Shark Wheel was invented to solve all wheel issues in center pivot irrigation. The Shark Wheel SWIFT eliminates flat tires, solves rutting, has 60-second repairs if needed, increases crop yield, and reduces soil compaction. The center pivot/lateral move irrigation wheel leaves a DNA helix footprint in the soil. The front wheel pushes the soil right-left-right, and the rear wheel pushes the soil left-right-left right back where it started.
Exhibit Space: Pavilion B 2524 ¦ sharkwheelag.com
Shockwave X By OMC Orchard Machinery Corp., Yuba City, CA
Shockwave X is the world’s first autonomous tree shaker. Orchard Machinery Corp., along with Bonsia, has created the first Driverless Tree Shaker with no Lidar or GPS. The machine will also be outfitted with a deck for shaking pistachios. Built on a proven OMC chassis that allows continuous movement and efficiency, including 100 vision based autonomy that allows the machine to work in heavy dust and zero cell service conditions.
Exhibit Space: M19, M21, M25¦ shakermaker.com
Standard PTO Kit By Tractor Protection Products, Blue Ridge, TX
The Standard PTO Kit was designed to offer protection for both the PTO driven implement and the tractor PTO shaft. The Standard PTO Kit eliminates the difficulty found when hooking up a PTO driven implement to the tractor PTO shaft. The most important feature of the Standard PTO Kit is that all farmers who have a tractor(s) and implement(s) will benefit, regardless of size of operation, crops grown, or location of the farm. If you have a tractor with a PTO driven implement, the Standard PTO Kit can help.
Exhibit Space: Pavilion A 1014 ¦ tractorprotection.com