Potato Retail Sales See Double-Digit Increases July 2022–June 2023

Published online: Aug 04, 2023 Articles Potatoes USA
Viewed 751 time(s)

DenverU.S. retail dollar sales of potatoes increased 16.8 percent July 2022–June 2023, which closed with a strong quarter (April–June 2023) that saw retail dollar sales growth of 14.5 percent compared to the same period last year.

Dollar sales reached $16.9 billion for the 52-week period, the highest in five years. Although volume sales were down for the year ( minus 2.6 percent)  and the quarter (minus 3.3 percent), they remain 2.5 percent above pre-pandemic levels.  

Retail prices increased for all potatoes for the full year by 19.9 percent, but as evidenced by the strength of sales, potatoes remain affordable for consumers with an average price of $2.36/pound. The April–June 2023 quarter showed similar results, with a price increase of 18.3 percent compared to the same period last year and an average price of $2.56/pound.

All categories of potatoes increased in dollar sales for both the year and the quarter, including (year/quarter):

  • Frozen: 34.8 percent/39.3 percent
  • Canned: 19.1 percent/33.9 percent
  • Fresh: 16.5 percent/12.4 percent

Despite a slight decrease, volume sales for the 52-week period remain 2.5 percent higher than pre-pandemic levels. The most significant volume sales declines for the period were instant potatoes (minus 5.2 percent) and deli-prepared sides (minus 3.1 percent). However, those categories make up just 13 percent of the total store volume for retail potato sales. Canned potatoes (0.7 percent of all volume sales) were the only category with a year-over-year dollar and volume increase.

For fresh potatoes, the average sales price for the 52-week period was $1.01/pound, a 19.8 percent increase from the previous year. Fresh dollar sales increased for all types except white, fingerling, and purple potatoes. Yellow potatoes were the only member of the fresh category to grow in dollar (21.4 percent) and volume (7.0 percent) sales.

Russet potatoes, which make up 62 percent of all volume sales for the fresh category, saw dollar sales increase by 23.5 percent and volume decline by 3.3 percent for the year. Russet potatoes had the biggest year-over-year price increase in the fresh category (27.7 percent), though they still have an average sale price under $1.00/pound ($0.83).  

All pack sizes except packages larger than 10 pounds saw an increase in dollar sales year-over-year. All bags 5 pounds or less grew in both dollar and volume sales for the period.

Volume sales increases were very similar across three pack sizes: 1 to less-than-2-pound bags (2.6 percent); 2-4-pound bags (2.4 percent); and 5-pound bags (2.5 percent). The most significant volume sales declines for the 52-week period occurred in greater-than-10-pound bags (minus 49.1 percent) and 8-pound bags (minus 21.7 percent).

Circana (IRI) compiles these figures by working directly with retailers. Potatoes USA accepts no liability for the content of these reports or the consequences of any actions taken based on any information contained herein.

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