What Does The Future Hold For Fertilizer?

Published online: Jan 31, 2023 Fertilizer
Viewed 1043 time(s)

That is a question on the mind of nearly every farmer in America and beyond. Corey Rosenbush, President and CEO of The Fertilizer Institute provided some important information to growers attending the 2023 American Sugarbeet Growers Association annual meeting this week in Washington, DC.

The presentation was given to sugarbeet growers from across the country but the information isn’t limited to those growers. That’s why we’re sharing it here.

While this presentation is several minutes long, it does give some great information on the condition of the fertilizer industry and how it affects growers.

For more information on The Fertilizer Institue, visit www.tfi.org/.

Three speakers are introduced—including Rosenbush—and we’ll share those videos in coming days.