Nachurs Alpine Solutions(NAS), a division of Wilbur-Ellis, has received two patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for its potassium acetate technology. This technology is a method of fertilizing an agricultural crop using an environmentally friendly and versatile high-potassium-content liquid fertilizer. Specifically, these patents pertain to the use and application of potassium acetate, either alone or mixed with other nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphate.
Plants extract a variety of nutrients from the soil to maintain healthy growth and development. With vital nutrients becoming less plentiful in soil, it is important to provide supplemental nutrients to the crop throughout its stages of development. Potassium is required by a growing plant to stimulate early growth, increase protein production, and activate enzyme and hormone systems within the plant. These systems impact the plant’s ability to withstand biotic and abiotic stresses and improve the plant’s resistance to diseases and insects. Potassium also increases the efficiency of water use and transforms sugars to starch.
Additionally, potassium acetate results in lower phytotoxicity damage compared to other sources of potassium for liquid fertilizer products. It also may be applied in a variety of ways, including in-furrow, foliar, side-dressed, soil-injected, broadcast, fertigation or other applications.

Lab tests and field trials have proven potassium acetate to be an effective and safe source of potassium for crop production. NAS potassium acetate technology is branded in the U.S. as NACHURS Bio-K and in Canada as ALPINE K-Tech.
To learn more about NAS’s full line of potassium acetate products, call (800) 622-4877 ext. 233, or visit or