Get In Fields Early with Strike Fumigants

Published online: Mar 14, 2019 Fungicide, New Products
Viewed 3403 time(s)

Is the winter throwing a snowball into your fumigation plans for this spring? Strike chloropicrin products can get you planting faster than any other fumigant on the market. Strike will allow you to plant 10 to 14 days after application when applied alone.

The best way to manage pathogens in potatoes is before they become an issue. Strike soil fumigants are chloropicrin-based, and are used to manage Verticillium wilt, common scab, black dot, Pythium, wireworms and more. When targeting soil-borne disease and nematodes, Strike and Telone II can be applied in a single pass. This reduces application costs and shortens plant-back intervals.

Learn more at or To fully understand the benefits of chloropicrin on potatoes, contact Jason Rainer in the Pacific Northwest at (509) 731-5424; Ryan Clifton in Idaho at (208) 819-4942; or the Strike office at (360) 225-3588.