Calendar: Western Water Summit

Feb. 6-7 in San Diego

Published online: Sep 07, 2018 Event Calendar, Irrigation
Viewed 1943 time(s)

We’re at a turning point right now. Our need for water has collided with the realities of reduced water supply and increasingly threatened sources. In many areas, our longstanding treatment, delivery, and management practices no longer produce the desired results. Costs are rising and our legal and regulatory framework is often out of alignment with current and future hydrologic and climatic conditions.

It’s time to take a good long look at how our water resources are managed. We’re already working hard and spending a fortune to address these issues. How can we collectively work smarter? Where will collaboration and cooperation between the various water agencies and disciplines generate better results, increase efficiency, reduce water loss, and maximize productivity?

It’s an important conversation and you should be part of it. Join in with your colleagues at the first Western Water Summit in San Diego this coming February 6-7. This special gathering will bring together professionals involved in all facets of managing our most precious resource. Groundwater, surface water, wastewater, drinking water, irrigation, water law, reuse, conservation and efficiency, erosion and sedimentation—it’s all one water. TheWestern Water Summit will bring us together to explore the interconnections and opportunities among the various elements of integrated water management throughout the west.

Registration is now open and you can save nearly 15 percent by signing up before Sept. 30. Space is limited for this inaugural event so don’t wait – register today at