Burks Steps Down; Abernethy Named Senninger President

Published online: Sep 10, 2018 Irrigation
Viewed 2063 time(s)

After 35 years of serving the agricultural irrigation industry, including 22 years with Senninger Irrigation, James Burks has stepped down as Senninger’s president, effective Sept. 28. During his 12 years as Senninger’s president, Burks was instrumental in consolidating Senninger as a global leader in the agricultural irrigation industry. He provided exemplary and highly professional service for Senninger.

Consequently, Steve Abernethy has taken on the role of president of Senninger Irrigation. Abernethy has been a member of the Hunter Industries family for over 23 years and has a deep background in irrigation and distribution throughout the world. In his time working directly with the Senninger team, Abernethy’s focus has been developing a plan to grow company revenue in alignment with global agricultural irrigation opportunities.

“We are committed to the long-term success of this business unit and are excited to expand our global footprint and teams, consistent with the quality and value of the Senninger Irrigation brand and the Hunter Industries family of companies,” says Abernethy.