Tiger-Sul Adds Technical Agronomist

Published online: Nov 03, 2017 Articles
Viewed 2086 time(s)

Tiger-Sul Products, a global leader in sulfur fertilizers and crop performance products, has bolstered its research and development and agronomic offering with the addition of a new technical agronomist, David Annis, Jr. In his role, Annis will assist senior agronomist Wesley Haun in expanding Tiger-Sul’s research and product development program to meet growing market demands.

Annis brings Tiger-Sul a great depth of applied agronomic knowledge and years of experience at both the university and industry levels. He joins Tiger-Sul from Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension, where he served as a county extension agent. Prior to his role with Texas A&M, he spent 12 years as a soils and crops consultant for the Noble Research Institute. In addition, he has maintained his status as a certified crop adviser for the past 15 years. Annis earned his bachelor’s degree in plant protection and pest management from the University of Arkansas, and a master’s degree in plant science from Arkansas State University.

In his previous roles, Annis delivered educational information via seminars, technical publications and news releases employing various technology tools. He also assisted with field research projects to identify best production practices and management techniques to enhance growers’ success.

“I look forward to David’s contributions in technology and research to meet the growing demand for product support and education,” says Haun. “David’s experience and expertise will be a real asset to our customers at the distributor, retailer and grower levels.”

Tiger-Sul Products is a global leader in sulfur bentonite, sulfur bentonite micronutrients technology and other well-established crop performance products. For more than 50 years, Tiger-Sul product innovations have been used by the agriculture industry to improve global crop production and satisfy the specialty fertilizer requirements of agricultural customers around the world.

For information about Tiger-Sul, visit www.tigersul.com