For years, chipping potato growers and researchers have sought varieties with common scab resistance. Hodag, a new variety developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, combines high-yielding capacity with long-storage cold chipping ability. Hodag’s potential has been established by several years of data in Wisconsin and out-of-state breeding and variety development trials.
Many thanks go to Felix Navarro at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for information on this exciting new variety.
Pike × Dakota Pearl
Key Attributes
- High yield and round tubers with shallow eyes
- Common scab resistance
- Good tolerance to Verticillium wilt
- Long storage and cold chipping ability
- Specific gravity consistently over 1.80, similar to Snowden
- Low internal defects
- Size similar to Atlantic by mid-August in Wisconsin
- Skin set and quality similar to Snowden; may help storability
- Fast plant canopy development
- Monitor tuber size development
- Hodag tends to grow large tubers in late harvests if spacing is 12 inches. Tighter spacing and moderate nitrogen rates may help modulate Hodag tuber growth.
- Manage to avoid large tubers that may increase hollow heart percentage
- See Wisconsin Certified Seed directory for seed availability