USPB Welcomes Foreign Importer Distributors

Published online: Aug 22, 2015
Viewed 2911 time(s)

Providing importers and distributors with training and education continues to be an important U.S. Potato Board (USPB) marketing program activity. These professionals are key players in international markets for U.S. potatoes and act as gatekeepers in their home countries, informing potential customers about product quality, variety and selection.

In May, 31 importers and distributors joined the USPB for a week-long reverse trade mission (RTM) to eastern Washington and Portland, Ore. They came from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, the Dominican Republic, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. This RTM group visited potato variety research plots and the farms and fresh-pack facilities of grower-shippers. They also toured frozen processing plants, cold storage operations and the Food Innovation Center (FIC) in Portland.

These importers and distributors received training on potato handling and preparation, the latest developments in cold chain technology, the USPB’s “Why Buy U.S.” program and global U.S. potato product innovations.

“Past RTMs have not only helped raise the level of the awareness for U.S. potatoes, but they have also led to increased demand and usage by importers and distributors,” said Susan Weller, USPB global foodservice manager. “These RTM participants gain confidence in upgrading to higher spec product and adding different frozen potato cuts. RTMs have also led to improved promotional efforts, better marketing and enhanced training activities by the participants after each event.

“A few examples of these successes were the Indonesia Surubaya Fry Festival and Filipino Better Burger campaigns. RTM participants are also challenged to train their organization associates to help increase demand for U.S. potatoes in their markets.”


NRA Trade Show Attendance

After this year’s RTM, 25 participants traveled with Weller to the National Restaurant Association (NRA) trade show in Chicago. For the first time, international RTM participants were offered a chance to attend this NRA trade show event as part of a USPB-sponsored event. They had the opportunity to meet U.S. potato industry associates as they visited booths for the Idaho Potato Commission, Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, Michigan Potato Industry Commission, and Washington State Potato Commission. They also joined representatives from these organizations at a special dinner hosted by the U.S. potato industry.

The NRA show offered international participants a chance to learn more about foodservice through event seminars and cooking demonstrations by leading chefs and foodservice experts. A highlight for many of them was visiting with USPB chairman Carl Hoverson at his White Diamond Potatoes booth and learning how to cook fresh-cut potato chips.

Based on participant evaluations, this RTM successfully met the expectations of the importers and distributors. Positive remarks illuminated the success of this program regarding the versatility, quality and variety of U.S. frozen potato products. “Good products with the highest quality monitoring from farm to table,” was a notable comment shared by one participant.

Another participant stated, “I can apply all of my knowledge and experience from (this RTM) to train my people.”