Valent Herbicide

Published in the May 2012 Issue Published online: May 10, 2012
Viewed 2188 time(s)

Chateau HerbicideCHATEAU: Chateau Herbicide offers residual protection against tough weeds in potatoes, including lambsquarters, pigweeds and annual nightshades, both eastern and hairy nightshades. Chateau gives growers a great start to the season: providing a barrier to emerging weeds to help stop weeds before they start. Additionally, experts encourage growers to use a residual herbicide, like long-lasting Chateau, for a sound resistance management strategy. Chateau is farm friendly-it won't leach or volatilize-so it stays where you put it. For growers in a planned crop rotation program, Chateau allows rotational flexibility to sugarbeets, alfalfa or a number of other crops.

Select Max Herbicide with Inside Technology delivers superior grass control with tank-mix and adjuvant flexibility. The fast-acting herbicide dramatically outperforms other post-emergence grass herbicides with increased uptake and translocation to the weeds-helping to quickly and more completely control annual grasses and volunteer wheat or corn.