Introducing the New USPB Corporate Brochure

Increasing awareness and understanding

Published in the February 2013 Issue Published online: Feb 28, 2013 Tim O'Conner, USPB CEO
Viewed 2179 time(s)

The United States Potato Board's goal is "Maximizing Return on Grower Investment." In many ways, this is accomplished through increased awareness of who the USPB is, and understanding its role in the industry. Let me introduce the new USPB Corporate Brochure. This is a new resource to tell allied industry and others who might not be as familiar with our organization to the USPB. This tool is now available on our website,

The purpose of this new brochure is to provide growers and allied industry members with a general, clear and simple understanding of who the USPB is and what we do-our role in the potato industry. This brochure simply delivers the USPB's history and origin. Because it provides basic facts and the beginnings of our organization, its information is timeless and should never become outdated or irrelevant. In the distant future, if a grower picks one of these brochures up in a business' lobby or common area, the hope is most of the information will remain quite accurate and relevant.

Beyond communicating basic USPB information, this brochure is also an invitation. It invites industry members to transcend the physical print medium they are holding in their hand and explore the USPB's latest digital resources to find out the most recent progress we've made regarding increasing demand for potatoes and potato products. QR Codes to download the USPB App, our website URL and directions to sign up and receive Industry Update are the resources this brochure includes for further inquiry and reference. One of the key intentions for this brochure is to be distributed from key places of business where the USPB might be referenced as a topic of conversation, and this is where we need your help.

Please download the USPB Corporate Brochure at If you have a business or common area where this USPB Corporate Brochure might be utilized, please contact the USPB Industry Communications & Policy Department with your plans, ideas, requests and suggestions for getting this resource into the hands of growers and allied industry. We will help you put your plans in motion and provide you with resources to make this brochure available for your associates. We appreciate your efforts in helping relate news and information about the USPB.