Published online: Feb 05, 2013 Herbicide, Insecticide, Fungicide
Viewed 2156 time(s)
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KENNEWICK, Wash.-New soil fumigation rules change who can be in the field during a chemical application, a state official says.

Anybody within the treated application area or buffer zones of soil fumigants must be trained to EPA Worker Protection Standard requirements and as a soil fumigant handler, Tim Schultz, case review officer for the Washington State Department of Agriculture in
Spokane, said. That includes repair service people and equipment dealers.


"I know as farming goes, everybody tries to help if they can," Schultz said. "With the new soil fumigation label, it does change that ability to offer help if needed."


The new rules make it more distinct who is in charge, who is allowed on the site and who isn't, Schultz said.


SOURCE: Matthew Weaver, Capital Press