Great Salt Lake Minerals' Sulfate of Potash

Published in the March 2012 Issue Published online: Mar 05, 2012
Viewed 2030 time(s)

(855) 313-3331

Great Salt Lake Minerals' sulfate of potash (SOP) is a more efficient source of the nutrients that help you optimize your potato crop. It has a high potassium analysis, providing an equivalent potassium content of 50 percent K2O, commonly referred to as potash. As a dual-nutrient source, SOP also delivers the readily available sulfate sulfur that potatoes need. Unlike other potassium sources, SOP: 1) contains virtually no chloride, which has been linked to reduce tuber growth and specific gravity; 2) Provides sulfur in the sulfate form, which is immediately available for plant uptake; and 3) Has the lowest salt index of all major potassium sources, reducing the threat to root development, poor germination, tip burn and more.

Great Salt Lake Minerals produces SOP through an ecologically responsible evaporation process that delivers this high-quality, rich source of nutrients while reducing environmental impact.