Published online: May 21, 2010
Viewed 1851 time(s)
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The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) signed two grants to benefit grassroots groups in Burkina Faso. The grants will benefit Association pour la Promotion du Maraîchage au Burkina Faso (APMB) and Fédération Provinciale des Professionnels Agricoles du Lorum (FEPPAL). Both groups are located in the Titao District, Lorum Province.

APMB is composed of 48 member unions representing 2,305 growers, 59 percent of whom are women. Potato production in the Titao region has regained interest in recent years with greater promotion by authorities at the local and national levels. The growers in this region are extremely poor, constrained by a lack of access to quality seeds, insufficient water resources, weak equipment, a lack of training, poor market prices and weak organizational structure. Funding will support improvements to water access, procurement of seeds, equipment and training.