U.S. Growers, EPA Work Together

Published online: Jul 28, 2004 NPC
Viewed 1991 time(s)
Web Exclusive
It appears the harsh relationships of the past between U.S. potato growers--who were fearful of losing their much needed crop-protection products--and the EPA have done a 180-degree turn.

On August 3-5, the Michigan Potato Industry Commission will host policy makers and regulators at a Potato Field Education Tour ("the EPA tour")
in Michigan.

The tour is designed to provide first-hand knowledge of potato production to regulators and legislative staffers who make many decisions.

This year's tour will include a visit to a greenhouse, a Wilbur Ellis facililty, along with overrviews on water issues, endangered species, disease and insect control and resistance management.

The tour, held over the last five or six years, has proved beneficial in advancing NPC priorities in Washington, DC.