Pass the Potassium

Published online: Feb 12, 2016
Viewed 2104 time(s)

A recent survey conducted by the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) revealed that consumers aren’t aware that potatoes are a potassium-rich food. 

While 89 percent of Americans consider bananas to be a significant source of potassium, only 27 percent associate potatoes with potassium. 

Potassium plays a critical role in lowering blood pressure, and about 70 million Americans have high blood pressure. According to a recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, adding just 1,600 milligrams of potassium a day to your diet can lower your risk of stroke by 21 percent. One medium Idaho potato contains 759 milligrams of potassium. 

“Several years ago, the American Heart Association certified fresh Idaho potatoes as a heart-healthy food, and now we want consumers to better understand how including potatoes in their diets can benefit their hearts,” says Frank Muir, president and CEO of the IPC. “The versatility of potatoes makes them easy to incorporate into any meal, helping adults and kids meet their daily potassium requirement.”

It’s estimated that 97 percent of adults are falling short of the recommended daily intake of potassium, and according to the IPC’s survey, only 26 percent of Americans make an effort to consume potassium every day.  

“It’s important that children and adults eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods in order to fuel their bodies with the important vitamins and minerals they need to function properly,” says registered dietician Toby Amidor. “Potato is a natural, healthy vegetable that provides a good source of potassium and other vital nutrients.”


Source: Potato Pro