Wisconsin Researchers Reveal New Varieties

Published online: Jul 21, 2015 Seed Potatoes Amy Pflugshaupt
Viewed 4418 time(s)

HANCOCK, Wis. — In an effort to stay a leader in potato production, researchers in Wisconsin are hard at work to develop the best potatoes for your table.

Last week at the Hancock Ag. Research Station, producers from around the state were introduced to about a dozen of the latest varieties developed at the facility. These potatoes are engineered to produce higher yields and to be more disease-resistant. This means the final product has been treated with fewer chemicals and pesticides and will cost less.

Wisconsin is recognized nationally as a green state,” said Tomas Haulihan, the executive director of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association. “Our growers work hard to produce their potatoes and vegetables in a very environmentally friendly manor.”

Last year the research facility rolled out two new varieties to the market—Endeavor Red and Oneida Gold. These two are jut part of the reason Wisconsin is near the top of the national rankings in potato production. Wisconsin is just behind Idaho and Washington when it comes to the top potato-producing states.


Source: NBC-WMTV Channel 15