ABM Files Patent on Microbial Research Technique

Published in the February 2015 Issue Published online: Feb 28, 2015
Viewed 2241 time(s)

Advanced Biological Marketing (ABM) announces that its research and development department has filed a patent on Focused Microbial Diversity. Focused Microbial Diversity (FMD) is the technique employed by ABM to research and develop microbials that will be used in ABM products.

“The Focused Microbial Diversity platform allows ABM to screen a wide array of microbial strains in the lab for specific traits and characteristics that benefit the plant without engaging in massive field trials,” said Dan Custis, CEO of ABM.

ABM uses genomic technologies and high throughput phenotyping to identify elite strains for its FMD platform. Genes and gene sequences are identified that are predictive of exceptional performance in the field and used to assemble strain consortia providing broad spectrum benefits such as crop yield increases and stress resistances. Using these techniques, ABM filters the wheat from the chaff, thus eliminating the need for field trials on no- or low-potential biologicals.

“Over the last 14 years, every strain or strain combination that was brought to the field trial stage was released as a successful agricultural product,” said Custis. “These efficiencies allow ABM the flexibility to address growers’ needs without investing large amounts of time and money on large field trials of products with little chance for success. The superior strain characterization and genetics of FMD are what drive ABM’s biological products.”
Smart Selection is the method underlying the FMD platform that lets ABM select specific strains of microbes that benefit a specific crop. This technique employs genome sequencing strategies and rapid DNA-based screening that gets results in a fraction of the time normally needed. The key is the association of genes with plant performance. Only strains with promising genetics get taken to the field. In layman’s terms, Smart Selection is used by ABM to identify the best strains. “There is no correlation between biological species and field performance,” said Dr. Molly Cadle Davidson, associate science officer with ABM. “Strain selection, not species, is of critical importance.”

ABM’s research and development are key to its portfolio of biological seed treatments.