USPB Highlights Consumers’ Love of Potatoes

Published online: Dec 22, 2014 Vicky Boyd
Viewed 3318 time(s)

The U.S. Potato Board (USPB) has kicked off its 2015 consumer editorial and media campaign with a focus on what people love most about potatoes.

The first digital ads ran online in September, while the first print ads were published in November magazines.

“The overall goal of the new campaign is to build an emotional connection between the benefits of potatoes and their positive impact on our target consumer’s lifestyle,” Meredith Myers, global public relations manager, said in a news release. “Each ad is seasonally relevant and introduces new, creative potato uses, including ideas for different potato types and forms.”

The campaign is forecast deliver nearly 135 million impressions—78.2 million online and 56.5 million in print.

The online campaign taps into visitors of,,, Yieldbot, Swoop, Weight Watchers, AdoTube, Local Response, and

New this year are partnerships with networks Swoop, Local Response and Verve.

The networks also allow the potato message to reach Linda, an imaginary consumer who represents the board’s target market. Linda is a moderate potato user who has children at home, who cooks from scratch and who likes to provide wholesome yet tasty meals to her family.

Swoop, for example, incorporates advertising into the content of more than 500 food sites and blogs. Local Response delivers the board’s message when consumers are involved in related activities, such as cooking and looking at healthy recipes.

Verve is a mobile platform that uses location and targeting to deliver the board’s message to Lindas on the go.

The campaign’s print effort involves 24 ad insertions into Parents, Family Circle, Food Network, Everyday with Rachael Ray, Weight Watchers and Better Homes & Gardens magazines.


Source: The Grower