Published online: May 16, 2013 Potato Storage, Potato Harvesting, Herbicide, Irrigation, Fertilizer, Insecticide, Fungicide, Seed Potatoes, Potato Equipment
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With the window to respond to the 2012 Census of Agriculture officially closing on May 31, the USDA is urging growers and ranchers not to miss this opportunity to be counted and help determine the future of farming in America. USDA has already received more than 2 million completed Census forms.


The Census of Agriculture, conducted once every five years, is the only source of consistent and comprehensive agricultural data for every state and county in the nation. It looks at farms, value of land, market value of agricultural production, farm practices, expenditures and other factors that affect the way growers and ranchers do business.


USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will contact producers by phone or in person to collect Census information since time is running out. Growers and ranchers can also return their forms by mail or online by visiting a secure website, www.agcensus.usda.gov. Federal law requires a response from everyone who receives the Census form and requires NASS to keep all individual information confidential.


For more information, contact:

Sue DuPont, (202) 690-8122, sue.dupont@nass.usda.gov 

Krissy Young, (202) 690-8123, krissy.young@nass.usda.gov