Published online: Dec 03, 2009
Viewed 2822 time(s)
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Ariana Cohen, President, announced that effective December 1, Rotem BKG LLC became ICL Premium Fertilizers NA. The change coincides with the reorganization of ICL North America. 
ICL Premium Fertilizers NA will continue to be the main supplier of Mono Potassium Phosphate (MKP) under the brand name PeaK for the horticulture, tech and food markets and technical grade Mono Ammonium Phosphate under the brand name NovaMAP. Additional products sold in the US by ICL Premium Fertilizers NA include other potassium, phosphates based fertilizers (PeKacid, HiPeaK & MgPhos) and Magnesium nitrate. 
ICL Premium Fertilizers NA is a member of Israel Chemicals Ltd. (ICL) a global group active in fertilizers, bromine and bromine compounds, specialty and performance chemicals and metallurgy. ICL is solidly based on the strengths of Israel's valuable natural resources, (Negev Phosphate Rock is complemented by nearby supplies of Dead Sea Potash) combined with world renowned expertise in agriculture and extensive capabilities in international productions, logistics, marketing and distribution.