Irrigation Storage Go Up Slightly

Published online: Apr 29, 2004
Viewed 1544 time(s)
Web Exclusive

Storage water figures today show that the Snake River system in Idaho is at 55 percent of capacity. This is up from 50 percent recorded on March 31 but lower than the 56.2 percent registered on April 26.

Jackson Lake is still hard-pressed to reach higher storage totals, moving from 29 to 30 percent from April 26 to April 28.

Palisades Reservoir was pegged at 44 percent full on April 26 and at 43 percent on April 28.

Canal companies calling for water are taking a big draw on storage. Most have been taking their decreed amounts all up and down the system for the last 7-10 days--some earlier.

There is spectulation that because some canal companies will run short of water this season and there will be less water available in the rental pool, they may have to take some drastic measures. One of these being discussed includes rotating water from one canal system to another over certain periods of time to ensure irrigators will be able to operate without fear of low water.

Cooler temperatures over the last two weeks slowed down snowmelt in the higher elevations. These areas also received some spring snow over the same period.