More Processing Down-sizing

Published online: Mar 27, 2003
Viewed 1854 time(s)
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McCain Foods USA with headquarters in Oak Brook, IL, announced plans to reduce its workforce and to cut production days at its Burley, ID, processing plant.

Dale McCarthy, senior vice president of manufacturing for the potato group, said the company will lay off 125 full-time workers in June.

The company will also change shifts, moving from four 12-hour to three eight-hour shifts. Fewer operating days are also in the plans.

McCarthy said layoffs will occur across all pay levels.

The announcement follows one from Simplot Food Group last year that it was decreasing production runs and would close its Heyburn, ID, processing factory.

Both the McCain Foods plant and the Heyburn, ID, plant are located in Cassia County, ID, one of the state’s largest potato growing areas.